Physical Modeling, Research and Analytical Laboratories
Our ongoing commitment to providing rapid turnaround to support our client programs relies on the availability of key equipment, infrastructure and instrumentation. Distributed between our two laboratories in British Columbia and Alberta, Coanda is proud to offer the following facilities:
- Physical Modeling & Research Laboratories (Burnaby and Edmonton)
- Analytical Laboratories (Burnaby and Edmonton)
- Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (Edmonton)
- Advanced Instrumentation R&D Laboratory (Burnaby)
Our physical modeling capabilities include:
Recirculating Water Channel
Coanda’s in-house recirculating water channel has outstanding optical access owing to the minimal number of support braces and the glass bottom and sides. This facility can be used in a wide range of applications such as modelling atmospheric dispersion and bluff body flows. Various forms of instrumentation can be outfitted to measure velocities (LDV, Hot Wire) or concentrations (1D-2D LIF, Salinity Probes).

recirculating water channel equipment
Multi-phase Flow Loops
Coanda has several flow loops designed to study single and multi-phase flows within piping, columns and vessels. Experiments can be performed with fluid viscosities ranging from 0.001 Pa·s to 100 Pa·s, and both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids can be accommodated. Multi-phase slurry loops capable of up to 1200 usgpm with solids loading up to 45% by volume are also available.
Fluidized Beds
Coanda’s state of the art fluidization facility is home to several fluidized beds, ranging from four inch diameter bubbling fluidization columns designed for rudimentary solids characterization, to one metre diameter by 10 metre tall circulating cold flow models that are geometrically similar scaled versions of commercial fluidized bed reactors. In addition, a large rectangular test bed measuring approx 2m x 0.5m x 3m is available to carry out studies on advanced petroleum feed stock delivery. We also currently operate a 1 m diameter cold flow fluidized bed. This vessel is constructed entirely from acrylic thereby permitting detailed observation through the vessel walls.
Mixing/Reactor Vessel Test Stands
Coanda has a range of test stands designed specifically to study fluid flow within vessels and columns. Our reactor stands permit the installation of acrylic vessels with diameters ranging from 100mm to 360mm and up to 2m height. This novel design allows the position of the vessel body, the top and bottom of the vessel, and the position of the impeller(s) to be adjusted to any intermediate position without any disassembly. All of our equipment is designed to allow maximum optical access for qualitative flow visualization and both LDV and LIF measurements.
Wind Tunnel
A wind tunnel having a 460mm (high) x 480mm (wide) x 1980mm (long), test section is available for studies in aeronautics, bluff bodies, heat transfer, probe calibration and other related applications.
Spray Facility
Located in our Burnaby lab, this custom designed enclosed spray chamber features viewing windows, gas extraction and liquids collection. It is primarily used in the characterization of spray nozzle patterns and flow rates.
Fabrication Shop
Coanda has on premises an extensive model fabrication shop. Major machines include: steel milling machine and lathe, horizontal and vertical bands saws, and various other small machines such as shapers, sanders and a scroll saw. We are equipped to make quick and accurate changes to experimental apparatus as required.