Cleantech Measurements – X-ray Diffraction

Posted on May 5, 2022

A very powerful non-destructive analytical tool used to probe the structure of solids is X-Ray (XRD). This useful tool operates by irradiating crystalline materials and measuring the intensity and scattering of X-Rays. As each chemical molecule reflects X-Rays differently with unique diffraction patterns, the XRD can identify components of a complex material based on the crystallographic structures found within a sample. This can be applied to a variety of powders, thin-films, rock, or other crystalline materials. Whole-Pattern Fitting Refinement or Rietveld Analysis, the refinement of the XRD pattern, calculates the results of a multi-component mixture without the use of standards normally used in quantitative analysis.

At Coanda, we use XRD and supportive analytical techniques to identify and quantify trace materials and foulants which can be problematic in cleantech applications. Understanding the physical properties and composition of materials is key to providing solutions to challenging problems, and the XRD is often the right tool for the job.