Stephen Roy B.Sc.Eng.

Software Development

Steve obtained his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alberta. The first decade of his career focused on electronics, designing radio frequency hardware and microwave integrated circuits. His subsequent work broadened into other technical fields, developing a multi-disciplinary understanding across a variety of industries including boatbuilding, museum exhibit fabrication and maintenance, satellite radio manufacturing and building envelope research. The background in building envelopes led to his involvement in instrumentation development.
Since joining Coanda’s instrumentation group in 2011, his focus has progressively shifted to software development for data acquisition and motion controls. Steve is proficient in C, Vala and Python programming languages and with PLC programming using Siemens TIA Portal. He has been involved in the majority of all our projects over the years, his role being pivotal in finding solutions to the challenges found at the intersection of software and hardware.