Mining Expertise
Posted on January 5, 2021 Geotechnical Mining
Coanda’s knowledge and expertise in multi-phase and non-Newtonian flows, physical and computational modelling, and geotechnical engineering, allows Coanda to tackle complex challenges leading to effective, lasting solutions.
With over two decades of experience, our teams of scientists, engineers and technical staff have delivered tangible results in a number of process applications including:
- Slurry Transport and Distribution
- Gravity Separation Vessels and Thickeners
- Flotation Units
- Cyclones and Hydro-Cyclones
- Ablation and Particle Size Reduction
- Solids Handling Including Screens, Bin Flows, Apron Feeders and Conveyors
- Mixing, Slurrification, Splitter and Pump Boxes
- Fluidized Beds
- Tailings Treatment and Deposition