Previous publications: conference papers, journal articles, and patents.
* Note that Coanda employees are in bold.
Recent Publications & Presentations
- MJ Wood, AM Kietzig, B Derakhshandeh, A Junaid, and SE Webster, “Fouling Resistance Oil Sands Instrumentation: Micropatterned Surfaces and Lessons from Bitumen Separation,” in Proc. Int. Oil Sands Tailings Conf., Edmonton, AB, 2024.
- AR Sorta, N Dubash, B Moyls, SE Webster, O Omotoso, “Development of a small-scale geotechnical centrifuge,” Int. J. Physical Modelling in Geotechnics,, 2024.
- MJ Wood, SE Webster, B Derakhshandeh, A Junaid, AM Kietzig, “Fused silica as an anti-fouling material for oil sands optical instruments,” Materialia 32, 101894, 2023.
- SE Webster, I Shah, T Aydin, C Gomez, B Derakhshandeh, G Sakuhuni, A Junaid, “Prediction of Pipeline Shearing of Flocculated Oil Sands Tailings,” in Proc. Tailings and Mine Waste Conf., p. 935, Banff, AB, 2021.
- CN Veenstra, N Dubash, SE Webster, WA Brown, A Junaid, “Eigenspectra for flocculation quality estimation,” AIChE J. 66, e16539, 2020.
- SE Webster, T Aydin, C Gomez, A Sorta, B Derakhshandeh, A Junaid, R Moussavi Nik, G Sakuhuni, “Effects of Shear on Dewatering and Compressibility of Treated Oil Sands Tailings,” in Proc. Tailings and Mine Waste Conf., p. 1229, 2019.
- C Saraka, MB Machado, SE Webster, C Gomez, SM Kresta, “Effective Sapphire Repellency Treatment to Reduce Fouling of a Focused Beam Reflectance Measurement (FBRM) Probe in Bituminous Systems” The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 97, p. 1949, 2019.
- SE Webster, WA Brown, B Derakhshandeh, N Dubash, C Gomez, CN Veenstra, and ASM Junaid, “A comprehensive control scheme for dynamic inline flocculation of oil sands tailings,” in Proc. Int. Oil Sands Tailings Conf., Lake Louise, AB, p. 261, 2016.
- C.N. Veenstra, N. Dubash, S.E. Webster, W.A. Brown, and A. Junaid, “Image Recognition for Flocculation Quality Estimation,” in Proc. Tailings and Mine Waste Conf., Keystone, CO, p. 905, 2016.
Patents & Applications
- O Omotoso, A Melanson, SE Webster, N Dubash, AR Sorta, GW Johnson, TA Depew, J Mottershead, SG Roy, CN Veenstra, AE Mars, Canadian Patent CA 3,014,373, Tailings Centrifugation for Accelerated Assessment of Tailings Treatments and Dewatering
- W Brown, B Derakhshandeh, GKW Freeman, C Gomez, ASH Junaid, CN Veenstra, SE Webster, Canadian Patent 2,937,452, Method of Dewatering of a Tailings Stream
- R Kumaran, T Tiedje, SE Webster, and S Penson, US Patent Application #13/213,065, Rare-earth-doped aluminum-gallium-oxide in the corundum-phase and related methods.
- R Kumaran, T Tiedje, SE Webster, and S Penson, US Patent Application #20110062394, Rare-earth-doped sapphire films and related methods.
- R Kumaran, S Penson, IC Robin, T Tiedje, SE Webster, and F Zerrouk, US Patent Application #20080232761, Methods of making optical waveguide structures by molecular beam epitaxy.
Previously Published
- R Kumaran, T Tiedje, SE Webster, S Penson, and Wei Li, “Epitaxial Nd-doped α-(Al1-xGax)2O3 films on sapphire for solid-state waveguide lasers,” Optics Letters 35, p. 3793, 2010
- Wei Li, SE Webster, R Kumaran, S Penson, and T Tiedje, “Optical wave propagation in epitaxial Nd:Y2O3 planar waveguides” Applied Optics 49, p. 586, 2010
- SE Webster, R Kumaran, S Penson, and T Tiedje, “Structural analysis of thin epitaxial Y2O3 films on sapphire” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 28, p. C3A20, 2010
- R Kumaran, SE Webster, S Penson, Wei Li, T Tiedje, P Wei, and F Schiettekatte, “Epitaxial neodymium-doped sapphire films, a new active medium for waveguide lasers,” Optics Letters 34, p. 3358, 2009
- R Kumaran, SE Webster, S Penson, Wei Li, and T Tiedje, “Molecular beam epitaxy growth of neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum perovskite” Journal of Crystal Growth 311, p. 2191, 2008.
- IC Robin, R Kumaran, S Penson, SE Webster, T Tiedje, and A Oleinik, “Structure and photoluminescence of Nd:Y2O3 grown by molecular beam epitaxy” Optical Materials 30, p. 835, 2007.
- S Tixier, SE Webster, EC Young, T Tiedje, S Francoeur, A Mascarenhas, et al., “Band gaps of the dilute quaternary alloys GaNxAs1-x-yBiy and Ga1-yInyNxAs1-x” Applied Physics Letters 86, p. 112113, 2005.
- E Nodwell, M Adamcyk, A Ballestad, T Tiedje, S Tixier, SE Webster, EC Young, A Moewes, EZ Kurmaev, and T van Buuren, “Tight-binding model for the x-ray absorption and emission spectra of dilute GaNxAs1-x at the nitrogen K edge,” Physical Review B, vol. 69, p. 155210, 2004.