Dynamic Clarifier-Thickener Model

Posted on August 18, 2022

Neville Dubash headshot

A process model can be a valuable tool, providing increased control and consistency, improved efficiency, and better alignment of operations with business strategy. We’ve helped many of our clients develop and implement models for parts of their process.

One example of this is in the operation of a clarifier-thickener vessel. We implemented a well-established model from the academic literature to provide our client with a model that could be used to predict the vessel behavior under a wide range of operating conditions. The model combines the physics of batch and hindered settling with sediment compressibility. Given the properties of the input materials and the operating conditions as a function of time, the model simulates the dynamic behavior of the unit and predicts various operations and performance characteristics.

In addition, an experimental program was performed in our laboratory to characterize a wide range of different feed materials. This, combined with the process model, provided a comprehensive modeling tool that could be used by the client to:

  • understand how changes in the feed composition would affect performance
  • explore operation strategies that minimize the time spent “off-spec”
  • examine different possible operation failure mechanisms,
  • test strategies for recovering from these upsets
  • develop potential ways to detect upsets early and avoid them