Mathematical Modeling

Posted on November 10, 2021

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Mathematical modeling involves taking the governing equations for a system and applying reasonable simplifications or approximations to arrive at a simpler system of equations that is much easier to solve.

These models can provide a quick, cost-effective way to gain insights into a particular system or process. They can be developed for a wide range of complex systems in engineering and the physical sciences, offering multiple ways to better understand the behaviour of the system. They can be used on their own, or to complement experimental programs and computational simulations. Their ease of optimization allows us to investigate functional relationships and parameter dependencies.

Though the models often require simplification of the problem, by ensuring the key driving physics of the system are still well captured, the models can still impart great insight into the behaviour of the system in question.

We have helped many of our clients develop mathematical models to better understand and optimize their systems and processes. These have included models for separation vessels, chemical reactors, multiphase flashing nozzles, tailings deposition, and many more.

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