Modeling & Fabrication

Posted on October 14, 2021

Designing and fabricating laboratory models not only requires attention to the commercial application’s needs but also a thorough understanding of design-for-manufacturing and budget constraints.

The lab model’s size is derived using a rigorous dimensional analysis to understand the important physical phenomena being modeled and their relevant controlling parameters. Relatively large-scale models are often required to match key dimensionless parameters necessary to model the commercial process correctly (such as high Reynolds number turbulent conditions). To operate such models and supporting equipment, our laboratories offer 70,000 ft2 of customizable space.

Comprehensive experience brings a competitive edge to our designs. Carefully considering the commercial full-scale application during the design and fabrication phases, we can compensate for issues with material strength, thicknesses, and other parameters that do not scale directly between laboratory and commercial scales. We can also include important experimental features:

  • excellent visual access
  • support for advanced instrumentation
  • easy / modular geometry changes
  • flexibility to explore a wide range of operating conditions

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