Christmas Ugly Sweaters

Making Holidays Brighter for Families in Vancouver

For the past few years, Coanda has been a proud participant in the Adopt-A-Family program...

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sample being loaded into rheometer instrument


Behaviour of non-Newtonian fluids such as mud or slurry, suspensions, polymers, bodily fluids and foods...

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Process Engineering

The challenge with developing a new process is how to arrange the existing...

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Numerical Simulation of a Liquid Jet Impinging on a Moving Substrate

Abstract Volume-of-fluid (VOF) CFD simulations are carried out to provide a full description of the...

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Physical Modeling

Physical modeling offers fundamental insights into the real characteristics and performance of...

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Konstantin Pougatch

Heat Exchanger Fouling

Feed train fouling in heat exchangers is a ubiquitous problem in the processing of liquid...

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this is alt text


Scaling up any industrial process involves understanding the key parameters that determine...

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CFD – Modeling nozzle spray distribution

Liquid sprays are widely employed when a large surface area is required for interfacial interaction....

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Convolutional neural networks

Convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) are routinely used in image recognition, with state-of-the-art performance for object...

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Application-Specific Instrumentation

Getting the right #instrumentation for your #experiment is key to collecting meaningful results. Sometimes, that...

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