The Cleantech Industry

The Cleantech industry faces a number of technical challenges. Our broad knowledge in key areas...

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Lithium Extraction

As the world shifts from its dependence upon fossil fuels, the demand for energy dense...

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Flashing Nozzle Numerical Model

A model for flashing flow through nozzles Flashing flow through a nozzle has been well-studied...

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Motion Control Technology

When conducting industrial research, automated precision control can be invaluable. Often, our experimental platforms include...

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Pipe Visualization

Observing Pipe Flow Coanda was contracted by the Alberta Research Council to design and build...

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Chemical & Petrochemical

Chemical processing and manufacturing involves extensive manipulation of...

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flowchart of waster valorization processes

Waste Valorization

โ€œWaste valorisationโ€ refers to the industrial processes aimed at deriving energy or useful products from...

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Mobile Density Scanning

Often, density is related to a key performance indicator in one of our experimental programs....

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Trevor Hilderman headshot
Machine learning schematic diagram

Wildfire Prediction with Machine Learning

Current wildfire prediction tools primarily use climate & meteorological data from Earth-based weather stations. This...

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Coanda Supports COSIA in Accelerating Tailings Technology Development.

COSIA’s (Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance) EPA (Environmental Priority Area) group has published an online...

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