Past Journal Articles by Coanda Staff

Sample collection of past journal articles authored or co-authored by Coanda staff. * Note that Coanda...

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DHA-GC Biodegradation Study of Contaminants from Lake Sediments

This post was originally published in three parts which have been combined below. Detailed Hydrocarbon...

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Coanda Burnaby Laboratory

Coanda hosts EGBC facility tour

Coanda will be a hosting a facility tour for members of Engineers & Geoscientists BC...

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Dimensional Analysis

Physical modeling is a well-recognized and effective tool for the study of process flows that...

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What Is CFD ( Computational Fluid Dynamics)?

This post was originally published in two parts which have been combined below Part 1...

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Tritium Tracing

Clients often come to Coanda when they have difficulty measuring some aspect of their process....

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sample vials in Gas Chromatography equipment

Analytical Chemistry

Analytical chemistry measurements and techniques provide quantitative results and...

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Characterizing the Unknown

We often encounter very open-ended research questions. Clients regularly ask us to perform chemical characterizations...

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Advanced Instrumentation

Instrumentation Coanda is constantly acquiring, optimizing, and developing new measurement techniques for application to single...

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Fluidized Bed

Portable Modular Fluidized Bed Apparatus Coanda was contracted by the University of British Columbia to...

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Residence Time Distribution Measurements

Residence time distribution (RTD) measurements provide an effective technique to diagnose flow ...

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Systems Control – Safety Integrity Level

This post was originally published in two parts which have been combined below. Part 1...

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